Pastoral Training
Pastoral training is vital to the continual growth of the National Church in Cuba. Emblaze Ministries is committed to enabling national leaders to train other nationals. Bible training centers, correspondence courses and worker conferences are being carried on by national church planting movements, all of which are contingent upon funding provisions for the pastors to attend and training materials for their spiritual growth and development.
The greatest way we help the church grow on the mission field is to help the Pastors and church leaders. In turn, they can better minister to their congregations and reach out to the lost. We achieve this by conducting practical, biblical workshops and providing booklets, tracts and other printed materials. We bring the training to them instead of sending them to a Bible School.
Marriage Ministry
Cuba has the highest divorce rate in the world with nearly 75% of marriages ending in divorce. Emblaze Ministries, in partnership with ‘Two Becoming One Ministry”, is training Cuban pastors and family workers towards building a strong Christian foundation in Cuban homes. These conferences run for 4-5 days, providing marriage materials for churches and home groups. Each couple receives Christian marriage manuals and books towards strengthening marriages in their communities and churches.
Baseball Ministry
The American dream for many young boys is to be an NFL football star. In Canada, it is a hockey player. In Cuba, the dream is to play baseball for their National Team. Cuba has won more World Championships in baseball than any other team. I have often seen Cuban kids playing ball with a broomstick and a bottle cap, for lack of a bat and ball. In over 18 years of ministry to Cuba, I never realized the impact that baseball could have in winning Cubans to Christ.
Emblaze Ministries has partnered with a ministry within Cuba, that reaches non-Christians by using a baseball tournament called, “Honouring the Father” which requires players, managers and coaches to take 10 discipleship classes studying The Life of Christ in order to participate.
One of the greatest needs for Cuban Church planters and evangelists is transportation. Bicycles for Urban Church Planters and Mules for those planting new house churches in the mountains equip these workers towards establishing Bible Studies, and house churches and enables them in their quest to reach Cuba for Christ.
Emergency Relief
Hundreds of Cubans have lost their homes and churches to Hurricanes. With no place to live or worship, and building supplies severely limited, Emblaze Ministries comes alongside of these workers in times of National Disaster to assist in meeting urgent needs. These funds are used to supply food, fresh water, cooking oil, plastic sheeting and construction materials for immediate relief.